Sunday, August 07, 2005

Going to Vegas...

Well I am off to Vegas. Walgreens Managers go to this meeting every 2 years. Although you would think of Vegas as fun, it is very taxing to go for a business trip. From the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed you are doing something business related. There is not a lot of time for getting out and having "fun". If you don't go to bed at your normal bed time, you are yawning and fighting sleep the whole next day, not a good thing. I am taking the camera so if I get any good shots I will post them or send them out. Mostly Walgreens events so I won't bore you with that. The pic above is where I stayed last year and where a lot of the managers are staying this year. I will be at "Baleys". My cell is on if you need me for anything.


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